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- kamranACA - 08-22-2008


During a few days of this week, two or three incidents have taken place. 32 have been killed in bomb attack at D I Khan on a hospital, while 70 plus have lost their precious lives at Wah Cantt due to bomb blasts.

I wonder no one speaks against such actions. I wonder to see insignificant reaction of our nation at large against such incidents. This reaction is dead-dog's attitude. We are speechless against the wickedness of the criminals who are a continuous threat for the nation. We feel that speaking against them is a taboo which will either take our lives or will ruin our religious status. How illiterate we are, how weak is our courage and how doubtful is our belief?

We are living in a country where criminal, wicked, evil, disgusting elements have all the powers to do whatever they like. Last day one of my friends came from D I Khan (he is inhabitant of D.I.KHAN). He told us such sort of facts that we don't even wish to hear. Among 32 killed, 16 belonged to same family by some sort of relations. As per his information such blast was mainly purposed to hit that family. He discussed the attitude and ill-doings of Mahsood tribal people living around them. He was personally caught up of fears and whims. He said, he is seeing some work at Islamabad and would shortly sell out all his properties in D I Khan, because if he will not do this, the criminals can anytime take unlawful possession. Having tears in his eyes he told "once we had to migrate from India and now we are bound to migrate from D I Khan". Kiyaa Bey Basi hai. What the hell is this? Where we are living?

He also told us a story of kidnapping of his nephew (who is engineer in Warid) while doing official survey at District Bannu. His nephew (along with two other colleagues) was kidnapped from Bannu and they kept on being sold and purchased by different militant groups. My friend told us that the demand was Rs. 20 million for each of the kidnapped person by the ultimate buyer kidnappers who appeared to be a group of Para-Chanar. How they managed to relieve those guys is a long painful story.

Hundreds of such stories are there which are created by such militant groups who call themselves Taliban. No one speaks against it. We are dead inside. Our interiors have been locked up. I wonder how we cry for Dr. Afiya Siddiqui while we never cried on seeing number of people dieing for the bomb blasts done by such Talibanized groups. We never agitated for number of kidnaps planned and executed by such militants. We never speak in favor of the families who have been forced to leave their residences. We never speak against the fear which is causing every educated Pakistani to look for some jobs out of the country by writing on their CVs the reason of such job search as "TO WORK AT A SAFE PLACE AND SECURE ENVRONMENT". This is to cause a brain drain in Pakistan. We use to cry for the death of the criminal militants and show our association with them by singing poems and raising slogans but we never cry on the dead bodies of the infants, children, women and innocent citizens.

I don't know where this Talibanization will lead the nation to. However, I can look into the future of Pakistan that will one day not be different than Iraq and Afghanistan. I had been saying and I am still saying, if this would happen, this would primarily be the crime of those militants who are doing such wild things against the innocent citizens of their country and indirectly causing the external forces to invade with a so-called intention to break their necks. The second responsibility would be of the nation/public who like cows and buffalos has become habitual of eating out the green fodder and sleeping in the cages all the life time.

May God give us courage, fortitude and wisdom to fight back the dark aged mind-set.



- Schuaeb - 10-01-2008

Dear Kamran,

The threat for Pakistan at least at this point in time is never TALIBANIZATION. Do you think all these suicide attacks are from Pakistani Talibans? Where has these guyz come from? Why the war against terrorism hasn’t in Pakistani soil has not brought any result in four years.

We are silent, we should not be. However, a lot of confusion exists about the fact that who is responsible for these attacks. Are they Taliban or some foreign agencies. I am quite clear bout the fact that all the militancy in Pakistan in the shape of Pakistani Taliban or suicidal attacks are the designs of military agencies of foreign powers, perhaps more than one, and whose intervention in Pakistan now a days is more than ever before.

What is the remedy? Why have our securities agencies have failed? How are foreign powers operating in Pakistan so easily? What will bring to an end all this? These are the major concerns piling up in Pakistani public. No one is certain bout the answers. One thing is for sure if the situation doesn't improve, it will put the country in more miserable plight.


- kamranACA - 10-04-2008

Dear Shoaib,

I don't disagree to a larger extent that indirectly the foreign agencies are doing this all. I mainly criticize this thought just because we have developed a habit of accusing others and keeping our home intact without giving the required treatment.

The involvement of foreign agencies and their presence and increased intrusion is not a story of one day. This has started from Russia-Afghan war and our so-called General Zia regime's wrong decision to fight for USA against Russia. In principle such generals had sold our lives and independence way back in 80s when we co-operated USA and created so-called mujaahideen. This was a mistake for all the times to come. Some of us proudly sing poems on Russian defeat considering it our sole achievement based upon Islamic reasons. Pata nahi kab aankhein khulein gee. Anyways.

There are always certain internal hands which create difficulties for the governments to oppose such intrusions. What you perceive, what will happen if we totally deny to co-operate this war on terror and abstain all sort of activities at that region? Would such powers will gently agree to our democratic rights and go back to their lands? You can answer it in a better way.

It's an established fact that these mullahs cannot harm USA or other advanced foreign nations directly. Even I don't principally feel that 9/11 was caused by some one from Mullah Umer followers. Still, I am very much convinced that Taaliban and their allies have created REASONABLE AND JUSTIFIABLE reasons for such foreign agencies to forcibly enter the region and for our governments to declare that this war is our war. Start from the incident of Indian plane hijacking and see the way out Taaliban adopted to make all the reasons over the time. We all understand that in globalize world we cannot survive doing such things specially when a world is finding reasons to destroy you.

At this point, I wish to mention that majority of Taaliban is Pakistani out rightly or have been trained in Pakistani madrissas. So it's no wonder if they are in Pakistan these days. In Punjab it was very common for criminals to hide in tribal areas after committing crimes. All major criminals of Spiah-e-Sahaba group like Riaz Basra used to hide in Afghanistan and tribal areas. These people always misused the name of Islam. Check out history of creation of Taaliban and you will find out their connection with Zial-ul-Haq mindset that continued willingly or un-willingly in BB's regime as well. Just like now Musharraf's mind set is by hook or crook required to be continued for survival although no one is his follower in essence. Give power to some one else (even the big opponents at the moment) and they will do the same thing.

Now I again come back to the main issue of your post. I don't have doubts that currently Taaliban are not doing in Pakistan what has been alleged to them. Off course they are guilty. This was caught up by further severity after Lal Masjid event. Yes this is another story that a large number of other criminals also have named their selves as Taalibans and some-how have joined them directly or indirectly. Majority of blasts are being done by them. No American is fighting at tribal area against other Tribesmen and against our army at the moment. These are off course Taaliban. The involvement of tribes with Pak army to fight them back has now proved it further.

In fact Taaliban have created reasons over the years for USA to interfere this region. They worked for USA in different capacities and with different logos and names during war against Russia. At that time they were paid mujaahids. And if we doubt that they are still working for USA (which I really doubt) to create reasons for their entry and long-ter stay in this region, they are supposed to do it successfully.

Media oftenly raises one issue that no terrorist has so far been captured either in Afghanistan or Pakistan. This is also a critical point to be noted.

I was shocked to hear that Lashkar-e-Tayubba tops have assets at USA which had been frozen by the US treasury department. What the hell is it? Do you understand something?

No US citizen comes here to blast bombs, kidnap Pakistani citizens and our guests from other countries and kill them wildly. This all is done by internal hands who in fact work for foreign agencies. Things require to be understood.

Simply ask yourself, "is it an issue for USA to capture Osama and his allies"? You will get the answer of the whole discussion.

So I don't deny what you have pointed out. But remember, they would have not been able to do this all, had our own criminals not made reasons for them to do so. And such reasons had not been made over night. These criminals include very big names for which people say Rehmatullah Alleh even.

Remember USA is the country who makes very long term plans and then issues world orders and makes new maps of the world and causes the countries like Pakistan to disappear from such anticipated maps of 2015. Now criminal is the one who joins hands with them and create reasons to make this dream come true. May Allah save us.



- Schuaeb - 10-05-2008

That's right nothing can be conclusively established as reasons for current security chaos in Pakistan. I agree with you these are foreign agencies primarily Indian who are using people from Pakistan and Afghanistan to achieve their targets. May be these people are being brain washed in the name of Islam, but nothing can be said surely bout that. Plus I think these people do not have much connection with Taliban. Pakistan accused that a sizeable amount of Indian and Afghanistani army personnel are fighting with us in the guise of Taliban.

Aren't Pakistani officials aware of all this! They surely are. What are they doing? Nothing on ground seems to be done to counter this. Winning the war in northern agencies will bring to peace Pakistan or it has nothing to do with aggravation or placating of the security situation in Pakistan. I find the later to be more true.

Do you think Talibaan or so called Al Qaida pose any threat on US security? Not at all. Talibaan were created by them to fight Soviet army, and once again they are using their name to achieve their goals. I don't find any justification for Americans and Allies to attack Afghanistan, Northern Areas or Iraq. If this war was imposed for the security of America I would have been its supporter as anyone is allowed to eliminate or weaken any threat for its security. But in this case no threat at all existed. All this drama has been created to guise this brutality for self interests as war against terrorism.

What are the designs of Powers it is becoming clearer. Major stake holder of course Pakistan and after that power of this region. The problem is so far it seems that Pakistani government has not done much to counter American designs will may lead to disintegration of Pakistan. All seems pre-scripted.

- kamranACA - 10-05-2008


Your above post specially your question regarding security threat to USA from Taaliban/Al-qaida are quite relevant and I don't have dissenting opinion on the subject matter except for absolving Taaliban from their acts.

The things pointed out by you let us to the direction that all these millitants, either Taaliban or whatever, are in fact working for the cause of such foreign agencies who want destruction in muslim world. If some agents of other countries are working over there, they are also doing such things with the help of such so-called "Rehmatuallah Alleh" sort of people.

My point is that if any of such so-called Taaliban or whatever is not involved in the whole game, why they don't clearly take out their hands from this chaos. This is quite possible for them. They don't do because they don't want to do it. People like Haqqani are not out of their category. These people have their bread and butter in such activities. They have become habitual of earning out of this process. I just wish that we for God sake try to understand this fact.

I have no intimacy with any foreign agency and fully understand the facts which you have conveyed. I am simply of the opinion that we have to correct our own home before focusing on else where. We are not good at our home, what we can say about others.



- Schuaeb - 10-06-2008

Dear Kamran,

May be its Taliban who are to be primarily made responsible for security mayhem in Pakistan, working for foreign agencies and making possible the achievement of their atrocious designs. It means they are the one who are making the strategies to destabilize Pakistan practicable. May be they consider it Islam or are being lured by other things.

However, I second possibility, I reckon may be there. The word Pakistani Taliban is created according to the need as previously words like Al Qaida were used. Someone is required to be accused for all this by our government as well as by international powers to justify their act.

Whatever, is the case nothing can be conclusively determined. However, the stance of our government and steps to counter this and ensure peace in Pakistan are not clear at least to me. Winning the war against terrorism may not yield peace.

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by kamranACA</i>
<br />
The things pointed out by you let us to the direction that all these militants, either Taliban or whatever, are in fact working for the cause of such foreign agencies who want destruction in Muslim world.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

The target is the destruction of Muslim world or the destruction of Muslim world coincides with the target. This is another thing that is required to be determined. I feel the later to be more true.

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by kamranACA</i>
<br />
This has started from Russia-Afghan war and our so-called General Zia regime's wrong decision to fight for USA against Russia. In principle such generals had sold our lives and independence way back in 80s when we co-operated USA and created so-called mujaahideen. This was a mistake for all the times to come. Some of us proudly sing poems on Russian defeat considering it our sole achievement based upon Islamic reasons.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

There are no two opinions about the fact that the disintegration of USSR made the world uni-polar which has put at stake the global peace. But as far as I know Gen Zia's decision to support US in first Afghan war was in our favour, in other words the only option available. A 2000 km border with USSR would have been a greater threat for our security.

Needless it is to go into all this debate. Govt. should have supported USSR or US that is past now. We always had been American allies, but now the time has come to evaluate whether this alliance worths to be continued. To determine whether foreign aid is more lucrative then the security of our country.

Another point relevant here is the disintegration of Pakistan which is being feared or of which many people are quite certain cannot be achieved by means of war or force or worsening the security conditions. However, its very easy for anyone to aggravate and exploit political and regional factions looking for liberation. Talibanization and security chaos are not the major threats for Pakistan. The major threat is internal your very own people, if anything happens we have no one to blame but ourselves.

May Allah keep Pakistanis united


- kamranACA - 10-06-2008


Yes everything is possible behind the walls and this is the point of time where DARVESHI BHI AYYARAI HAI SULTANI BHI AYYARI sort of truths become more relavant.

Every general takes a decision which ruines us in the long run and we divide ourselves in justifying his acts as favorable for us or the only available solution.



- Sunny84 - 10-10-2008

Well, as far as i know, Taliban r really working on their own so-called "islamized" agenda which is also supported to some extent by our own military top-guns ao that the war game may continue and linger as a result of which they may b able to extract more financial and military aid from US. surely, they r oblivious of the fact that their stupid policies r eating up this country. How else can talibans sustain in such rugged terrain of Tribal Areas if they r not being properly aided by some1? The Government + the Military top-guns r fully responsible for whatever is happening to us today. In my opinion the biggest problem of Pakistan today is the "LEADERSHIP CRISIS". Cant trust Zardari, Bilawal, Nawaz Sharif, Qazi, or MQM. We need a pure Pakistani Leader, who does not look towards external powers for refueling. Its high time that the moderate majority of Pakistani population wakes up. Students need to come up with a new face to change the destiny of Pakistan towards a positive future.

- Muhammad Amir - 01-21-2009

Asalam-O-Alikom Wa Rahmattualh-e-Wa-Barakat.

Dear Members,

I was absent from this forum since long time, partly due to exam pressure and mainly due to futile and endless debates. However, now I am here once again to give some clarifications from my side. First of all I apologize for every thing that I said to everyone specially to Mr Kamran. I hope every one of you will forgive me for all of my words. My views have changed after reading Zaid Haimid's columns of Brasstacks. Some people here think that I advocate suicide attacks but the reality is that I always condemn such attacks, however, I may have written something in anger that may led you to believe that I am a proponent of suicide attacks. But believe me I never liked such things. MOSSAD, CIA and RAW are behind the suicide attacks conspiracy in Pakistan. Those who claimed to be Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan and using the name of Taliban for their sinister agenda are thugs, drug mafia, CIA, RAW and MOSSAD agents in disguise. They are not real Taliban, Afghan Taliban are the real Taliban who are true Mujahids. Armament Supply of such fake Taliban groups that are fighting against the state of Pakistan and Pakistani forces is coming from Afghanistan. However, this group of thugs that is nurtured and protected by foreign agencies and operating in SWAT and BAJOUR and claiming to be the Taliban consists of very few handpicked people but still majority of the large groups of Taliban are truly patriotic and true Mujahids like groups of Mullah Nazeer in North Waziristan, Hafiz Gul Bahadur in south Waziristan and Haji Namdar in Khyber agency. They all are truly patriotic and real Mujahids. They have never been involved in suicide attacks in Pakistan. CIA, RAW and MOSSAD agents have heavily infiltrated in the Groups of Baitullah Mehsud and Maulana Fazlullah and now they are destabilizing Pakistan, the disgusting problem is that the strayed young fighters and leaders of such groups don't know about the real faces of their handlers. American CIA, British MI-6, German BND, Indian RAW and Afghan FSB are financing such groups and supplying them armaments from Afghanistan's "Sarobi" cell. Afghanistan has now become a center for all Anti-Pakistan, Anti-China, Anti-Iran and Anti-Russian conspiracies. According to Gen(r) Mirza Aslam Baig sahib, America and India are destabilizing Pakistan and China. Americans and Indians are using Faiz abad against china, Hirat against Iran, Mazar-e-Sharif against Russia and Central Asian states; Qandhar and Sarobi against Pakistan. Qandhar has its forward bases at Lashkargah and Nawah. Target areas of these bases are Balochistan and NWFP. Armaments of Indian factories are using in Balochistan, Bajour and Sawat. The RDX used in Marriott hotel attacks was given to terrorists from Sarobi's cell by one of the Indian army officer. In bajour some of the arrested terrorists were found to be the agents of RAW and MOSSAD, Tribal elder Haji Karim Salarzai of Bajour told that <font color="red">"These so-called Taleban(RAW/Mossad agents) do not know even 10 verses of the Quran, and they call themselves religious scholars! They have killed elders of the tribes and innocent people, they are miscreants and they are receiving aid from the foreign countries(America, India and Israhell). They are creating an atmosphere of disturbance which has affected the life of the general public in the area." </font id="red"> Actual objective of this post is to let all of you know about the conspiracy that is in progress against Pakistan. RAW and MOSSAD are supplying the arms and ammunition to BLA (Baloch Liberation Army) and TTP (Tehrek-e-Taliban Pakistan) which has nothing to do with Taliban. Taliban have never been involved in anti-Pakistan activities instead they are true friends of Pakistan and still Taliban leaders and fighters are loyal to Pakistan, they understand the pressure that was created on Pakistan after 2001. Taliban supreme commander Mullah Muhammad Omer Mujahid reprehended very harshly those groups that were involved in fighting against Pakistan and Pakistani forces and back in 2006 he removed Baitullah Mehsud from Taliban leadership because of his anti Pakistan agenda. On tribal belt there are two camps one is of pro-Pakistani patriotic Mujahids that are fighting against the invasion of swine American crusaders in Afghanistan, second group consists of handpicked terrorists they are thugs, drugs mafia and RAW/MOSSAD/CIA agents, this second group is using the anger of local population against Pakistan army and Pakistani state and this local anger is used in form of suicide attacks through out Pakistan. Hindus of Hindutva and Jews of Zion want to destroy our motherland Pakistan and for this purpose they can go to any limit. Just an example here, look at what Ben Gurion said about Pakistan.

<font color="red">"It is essential that we strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans."</font id="red"> - David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister, Jewish Chronicle 9 August 1967.

The beneficiaries of all this bloodshed in Pakistan are Piss Drinking Hindu Terrorist state India and Genocide, Obscurantist, Terrorist, Anti-Human, Hell fire (Sheol in Hebrew) and Zionist state Israhell. Swine American invaders want to make India a Policeman of south Asia so that Hindu terrorist India can control China as well as Pakistan but Americans forget about the ability of Indians (I mean disability). Piss drinking Hindu is very wicked nation on earth but their wickedness is limited to their dirty politics, Hindus are bunch of cowards they don't have an ability to fight against any nation, they can only kill innocent people of Kashmir, Assam, Khalistan and Tamil Nadu and they can only do back stabbing like they are doing in Balochistan and Tribal areas but they don't have an ability to fight face to face.

It has also been evident by Pakistani intelligence agencies that RAW and MOSSAD agents have been heavily infiltrated in secessionist parties of Pakistan like ANP (Awami National Party), BNP (Balochistan National Party), JSQM (Jiay Sindh Quomi Movement), MQM and other secessionist parties. One of Intelligence report also highlights that India and Israel is behind the sectarian clashes between various groups in Pakistan.

As far as issue of Al Qaeda is concerned, it's no longer remains the same Al Qaeda of pre 9/11. They are playing in the hands of Zionists and again foreign agents have been heavily infiltrated in Al Qaeda. It is also to inform you that Osama Bin Laden no longer remains with Al Qaeda and he has probably been martyred in 2003. After his martyrdom, a Takferri group is running Al Qaeda which is the modern form of Khawarij. They have declared common Pakistanis and Pakistani forces as Kafir and they are playing in the hands of Zionists and Neo-Cons. They are ruthless people and they don't feel any fear of Allah when they slit the throats of innocent people. This Takfiri group has been infiltrated in Baithullah Mehsod's group so that they can fulfill their sinister agenda. Afghan Taliban have already shown that they don't have any links with Al Qaeda or Takfiri group. Some people mix Al Qaeda with Arab Mujahedeen but this is wrong, majority almost 95% of the Arab Mujahideen have distanced themselves from Al Qaeda because of Egyptian Takfiri group dominance in Al Qaeda. Some people also mix Taliban with Al Qaeda but this is also wrong. Al Qaeda wants to make the whole world their playground, on the other hand, Taliban don't have any international agenda they are doing Jihad against the invasion of swine American crusaders because American crusaders have occupied their motherland Afghanistan. It is the right of Taliban to liberate their motherland from American invasion and no one can deprive this right from them.

Another reality that has often been over sighted by majority of the people and not become so common is that USA in its initial years of Afghanistan invasion has offered the top brass of Afghan Taliban that USA has nothing to do with them or Al Qaeda they actually want their cells to be established in border areas of Afghanistan so that they can control China, Central Asia and Russia, Pakistan and Iran but Taliban supreme leader Mullah Muhammad Omer has rejected that offer of America and he clearly told the USA that he do not want any foreign element in Afghanistan and he will fight till the last drop of his blood against illegitimate American invasion. So, America is here in Afghanistan to control China, Iran, Russia and Pakistan not for fighting against Al Qaeda or Taliban, in fact Al Qaeda is the "Cover Storey" of American invasion. On the other hand, Taliban can not see American occupation on their motherland. China, Iran, Russia and Pakistan to some extent are giving them full support to fight against American invasion and up till now they have given better lesson to USA.

In my humble opinion alleging Taliban or Pakistan Army or General Zia-Ul-Haq as American agent is not right. If you explore through USSR invasion in Afghanistan you will see that red forces were continuously occupying Central Asian land, their ultimate target was GAWADAR port because Central Asian sea ports were used to be available for them only for six months a year and they were frozen for rest of six months because of this problem they can only perform their trading activities for six months. They require an international port that they can use for the whole year and it was no one other than the GAWADAR. So, it was in the best interest of Pakistan to stop Russia in Afghanistan and certainly because of this reason Pakistan has started to support Afghanistan resistance movement. America was not involved in this war till 1986 but when Americans saw the opportunity to destroy USSR in Afghanistan they decided to take on the gamble and they have started to supply stingers to Pakistan Army not directly to Afghan Mujahedeen. It was actually the Pakistan Army that trained the Mujahedeen and supplied them stingers because USSR's defeat in Afghanistan was in the best interest of Pakistan too. Now, there are three beneficiaries of this war Pakistan, Afghanistan and America and they all have a same enemy that was USSR. If we see the history without prejudice or general stereotypes we will see that Gen Zia Ul Haq saved Pakistan and Afghanistan from USSR invasion. Saying him an American agent will not be right.

Once again I appologize for my behaviour.

I hope I have cleared my position on various issues.


Muhammad Amir

- Pracs - 01-21-2009

MashAllah Amir, nice to see you back and hope your exam went well.

I was pleased to see your post above (take this with a pinch of salt, nothing is black and white, especially in these trying times), indeed Zaid Hamid (although I may not agree with all his material)has given the Pakistani nation a new light hope and ambition and I can see you in its light as well. Keep posting

- kamranACA - 01-21-2009

Dear Amir,

We were missing you buddy. It's nice to see you back. I always said you are like my borther so forget about everything.

My perceptions and belief (not talking about faith) could be different from you but this carries nothing to be worried about. Do contribute good and ensure your presence.


I feel Zaid Hamid is good but there had been certain presentations which were totally un-informed. Since I had been some how personally involved on some areas discussed by him, I know it by personal expreince.

I agree that nothing is in balck and white and time will take long to let us know the facts.



- Muhammad Amir - 01-21-2009

@ Pracs Bhai thanks for your support, at least I am not feeling guilty after reading your comments. I also apologize to you for all the stuff that I threw at you in past. I hope you will forget about that.

@ Kamran Bhai, Thank you for you kindness. We should do something to serve our country and Ummah irrespective of our beliefs and perceptions. We should all become united now for our country Pakistan and our Ummah because if we still fight with each other then Allah will keep us in such a ZILLAT that only 7.2 million Zionist will dominate us.

- rabia-k - 01-22-2009

dear respectable SIRS

you all are very very knowledgeable. "i might sound like a chota mun bari baat here." mr muhammad amir u r right when u say that ummah has to be united to fight the zionist. but unfortunately the ummah is not. there is a divide between the arab and non-arab muslims. it's the arab themselves who have created this divide. the zillat is already on the arabs . israel is surrounded by several arab countries, but unfortunately non have the power to even launch a single missle attack on it.

we all have witnessed the recent gaza massacre, unfortunately the arabs, in particular the middle east countries, could only look upon like sheep . the zionists will continue their brutal killings. with US military bases in majority of the middl east countries , nothing at all can be done. unfortunately parts of our Muslim Ummah depends on the US military rather than depending on pakistan, their well equiped nuclear power neighbour. well its unfortunate that even pakistan despite being a nuclear armed country cant do much about the zionists.

Now bases in Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, and the UAE are the permanent basing of the United States, military and air force specially in QATAR ...wher there are a number of bases being constructed. if any one wishes they can have more info on it


After 9/11, these airbases as well as the presence of pre-positioned material in countries like Oman and Qatar was used by the US to rage war of Afghanistan. a war being raged on a muslim country with the help of another muslim country.

now the ethnic divide between the muslims themselves. we all know the issue regarding iran , a muslim country. a deal has been made between UAE , a muslim country, and France a non muslim country, by which france would establish a military base in the UAE , which will be a permanent defense installation. the reason being threats received from iran. so in case of war a muslim arab country will aid a christian country to wage war on another muslim country. what can we make out from all this??

until the arabs r united amongst themselves , nothing much can be done about the zionists. and palestinians will continue to suffer. at the recent meeting by arab leaders regarding the massive gaza tragedy, there were even differences over how aid must be chanelled to the palestinians. there are even disagreements over how gaza has to be reconstructed.
so the arabs stand a divided lot themselves, and because of that the ummah is divided too.

at present the arabs are more worried about oil prices than anything else.


- kamranACA - 01-22-2009


You are right. The fall down of Muslim power is not the story of one day.

When those uncivilized nations were developing technical armaments, planes, guns, and bombs and also sacrificing their time and efforts for other technical advancements, we were busy in building Taj Mahal and gardens over the river solely for the beloved of a prince or king. Building taj mahal or garden was no harm but this example is to show the difference of intent and approach, Muslims carried for the centuries.

Unfortunately, this is still going on. We want to fight it back. Some of very enthusiastic brothers like Amir want to do it over night. I know it's the wish of every one to do it over night. But what the fact is, such things cannot be sorted out over night.

I think we need some leaders more committed than Z.A. Bhutto and King Faisal who can initiate a platform like Islamic summit to start up looking at the solutions for Muslim Ummah sincerely and independently. We have to first of all decide if we are more sincere to others nationally or religiously. People did not agree when I pointed out this issue on this forum. But we will have to break the ice by deciding it first of all. Why cannot we have a Muslim union like EU? Why cannot we have some institution like Muslim International Supreme Court for resolving our own issues? Why can’t we have a body like United Muslim Nations when UNO is not giving an ear to cries of dying Muslims in Gaza and other places? Why can’t we have open visa policy for the Muslims of all other countries within such union? What fears we have from each other? Why we don’t feel others faithful and reliable? Why can’t we make out a very powerful voice against rest of the world which we know is “Millat-ul-Wahida”? Why can’t we be sincere with our own development, education, technical collaboration, advancement, sharing of knowledge and expertise and all other critical matters like EU and others are doing?

However, it’s painful, but a fact, that most of Muslim countries are led by wrong people who have no other agenda except maximizing their own valets. We are insincere to our generations and we have no interior to speak out for our minds and correct our deeds.

We will always be dependent if we will not correct ourselves, our ambitions, our life styles, our objectives, and our deeds. Nothing will be changed over night. This can only come through a process, if it has to come by any means. It has to be corrected over a time on which it has been ruined. I personally don’t visualize it happening so soon. May God, I prove to be too much wrong.



- Pracs - 01-23-2009

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, san" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by rabia-k</i>
<br />dear respectable SIRS

you all are very very knowledgeable. "i might sound like a chota mun bari baat here." mr muhammad amir u r right when u say that ummah has to be united to fight the zionist. but unfortunately the ummah is not. there is a divide between the arab and non-arab muslims. it's the arab themselves who have created this divide. the zillat is already on the arabs . israel is surrounded by several arab countries, but unfortunately non have the power to even launch a single missle attack on it.

we all have witnessed the recent gaza massacre, unfortunately the arabs, in particular the middle east countries, could only look upon like sheep . the zionists will continue their brutal killings. with US military bases in majority of the middl east countries , nothing at all can be done. unfortunately parts of our Muslim Ummah depends on the US military rather than depending on pakistan, their well equiped nuclear power neighbour. well its unfortunate that even pakistan despite being a nuclear armed country cant do much about the zionists.

Now bases in Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, and the UAE are the permanent basing of the United States, military and air force specially in QATAR ...wher there are a number of bases being constructed. if any one wishes they can have more info on it


After 9/11, these airbases as well as the presence of pre-positioned material in countries like Oman and Qatar was used by the US to rage war of Afghanistan. a war being raged on a muslim country with the help of another muslim country.

now the ethnic divide between the muslims themselves. we all know the issue regarding iran , a muslim country. a deal has been made between UAE , a muslim country, and France a non muslim country, by which france would establish a military base in the UAE , which will be a permanent defense installation. the reason being threats received from iran. so in case of war a muslim arab country will aid a christian country to wage war on another muslim country. what can we make out from all this??

until the arabs r united amongst themselves , nothing much can be done about the zionists. and palestinians will continue to suffer. at the recent meeting by arab leaders regarding the massive gaza tragedy, there were even differences over how aid must be chanelled to the palestinians. there are even disagreements over how gaza has to be reconstructed.
so the arabs stand a divided lot themselves, and because of that the ummah is divided too.

at present the arabs are more worried about oil prices than anything else.

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Rabia I am more of a proponent of your school of thought (on which I had quite few clashes with Amir, all in good taste though) that the Ummah is dead, and this happened with the systematic dismantling of the Ottomon Empire - the biggest players of which are the Arabs, the house of Saud and the Hashimites (of now Jordan) and in the process creating Israel. I have had first hand experience of being born and living most of my life in an Arab country and being called a 'Hindi'(you must know of this). Ofcourse having said all this I still think Pakistan can take the lead in the Muslim world and infact 'defacto' does lead the Muslim world. In our present state, we need to pull ourselves of the this quick sand back to ground level to aspire or even think of any thing in the terms of 'Ummah'. I see this happening only and only after the Monarchies, theocracy and military oligarchs end in the Arab world (and stop the exploitation of their people). It is with great grief that I admit, there is less racism (none in official quarters) in the UK than there is in the Arab world.