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The Day When - Printable Version

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The Day When - zfrmood - 03-17-2007

Hardly any day goes by when Col ® Riaz Jafri is not seen in letters to editor of a newspaper. As is liffa journalism, it appears there also is a branch where some people are appointed to keep feeding letters to editor towing a particular line. Last year in one of his letter he stated some of his friends say he was pro Musharraf whereas he is an impartial man. On recent unfortunate episode on judiciary in some newspapers his usual “honest impartial” views appeared on 13.3.2007. These views are in the form of Questions and then he himself in his towed line gives answers. He tried to show himself of more competent on Law than honourable people like Fakhuruddin G. Ibrahim, Mr. Mintoo, Mr. Justice Wajihuddin etc. Against Question No. 8 that who legally was the next senior judge to be appointed as Acting Chief Justice, in answer he adds that “bad it been unconstitutional in any way, would Justice Javed Iqbal not have refused to take the oath”. Col Riaz very innocently does not appear to know that main and the only single cause of all our national and individual ills is that both collective as a nation and as individuals we have no national or personal shame or character. We have no character or conscious to “refuse” accepting a thing if it is not “due” to us. Despite knowing minority in assembly we can proudly accept arranged majority. Every government servant particularly of higher grades invariably under service rules while going on leave leaves behind his contact but our Law Ministers feel no national shame in saying there is no law under which a leave con be cancelled or have no contact. We accept with open arms even on the cost of miseries of others that is white highly respected elderly Mr. Justice Fakhuruddin G. Ebrahim had to say those “now” sitting Judges also need to realize for long term institutional interests that same thing can happen to them. Col. Riaz must remember the day that honesty and character came in us including in myself that we refused accepting a “gift” caming to us by passing the more deserving person, from that day (1) no President of the country would dare advise the commoner that if the tomato were too costly do not use them in kitchens, (ii) no enlighted moderated government will revert back nearing to the elections re-allowing women’s national identity cards without photographs only because in Gujrat the “royal” family wins only on strength of women vote. The day such a character and conscious came in us then there would never be any Reference let alone any need for keeping any Supreme Judicial Council nor would there ever be any need of any Banking Tribunal, any NAB or Ehtisab. The day such an honesty or conscious came in Pakistan, which in my and Col. Riax’s life is impossible, no Brigadier will get a Ph.D degree just in 9 months, no religious preacher minister will submit his degree dated 1995 issued by an internet university which itself was established in 2000. From that day no one will dare term the traffic jam as proof of impved financial health of man in street. Last but not the least when such a character came in us there would never be any any Col. Riaz needing to clarify that he was not pro so and so.