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BrainPower - What is success? - kris - 04-20-2004

Salaam all!
We all are unique like our finger prints, but the very common thing which we share is our success in our profession, studies, and life.
Why don’t we share our experiences thru this forum thus we may gain something in general and will be for common good.
I am very sure that we all believe that human’s brain power is unlimited. Still some of us lags behind and some even get success from the very beginning.
Recent studies explain that we can enrich our brain power thru exercises, we can find different brain enhancing tools online; additionally brain also needs exercise and good music.
I have an example it may help understanding my point of view. Brain is like a hardware and mind is like a software - we need good operating system i.e. optimism, planning, believe, security, and spirit. Subsequently, we need good application soft wares that will play important role to achieve our goals. Good examples for application soft wares are our study material, review courses, group studies, etc.
Please share your experiences how you got passed difficult papers in your scholastic-years.


- jbladeus - 04-20-2004

Thank you Kris

Finally i've been able to to understand what all these computer terms mean. <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

Btw, i've found that the best way of acheiving success is to give the CPU ample time to cool down, ie to get rest as much as one can in after hours and to relax by taking all thoughts of your mind for an hour or two.

Arrrgh... it sure's gonna be mighty rough sailin' today ... mates!

- sumaaan - 04-21-2004

Success is 'personal satisfaction' or for some people 'ego satisfaction' or maybe both...

I prioritize a lot of other things over studies so those brain excercises might not mean a route to success for me... But for some people, success might be advancement in professional life...

Ofcourse, we all have our different ways of perceiving things.

- kris - 04-24-2004

Let’s look at the system of success. Americans - why they are rolling whole world. Why the all big creations and advancements are coming from USA. Only one reason I can look into is ‘system’ they have given to their countryman. All Americans are not so genius and sharp, still they always take first place in Olympics. This is our good luck that they are not in those games which we are playing especially cricket and hockey otherwise it might be difficult for us to get success in any tournament in which America would have participated. We may as an individual or as a nation be able to get success unless we develop a system of improvement. As you all know Allah created every human being equal, so the only thing we need to do is to understand ourselves.
Why one student can grasp material so early then the other, because he might have an interest. Success will never be satisfying unless it gives you inner felling of happiness. Professionalism itself means someone likes the thing which (s)he does. Professionalism is just not getting a certification of CA, CMA, CPA, or CFM and have job in some big company. We have to enjoy our work, if we are not enjoying it then we are not professionals, we are pretending ourselves as a professional.
We can get our desire result if and only if when we really like our work from the bottom of our heart.
As per my thoughts about how we can improve our brain power – it is simple; we have to commit our selves towards our profession. We have to find ways how we can improve, for example in my whole student life I always heard about TQM and Reengineering, instead of applying these term in any company apply them first on our lives and then we will see how things turn around.
Will be in touch.


- kris - 05-23-2004

Salaam all
Digitalize learning
We think learning is possible while sitting in class or reading books but true learning comes from when you make it your second nature. God’s 24 hrs a day are well enough, we just need how to utilize them.
We have several gadgets available in the market. One of the best ways we utilize our time when we commute. In big cities average commutation time for a student is more then 3 to 4 hours. It is in our great interest if we use it wisely, however unavailability of calm and quite place in buses and subways most of the students can not concentrate so well therefore they ignore reading in buses and subways. The alternative available for reading is listening i.e. one tool of digitalizing your learning. There are softwares available which can easily convert text files into mp3 or wav file hence spend some time to convert your chapters into text while using omni page pro 14 office or text to audio softwares and put them in CD or if you can buy less expensive mp3 players and use them while commuting, you will see how your learning power will boost up, and it will make learning your second nature.
I covered only one aspect of digitalizing your learning, there are also several technique available so please share some of them.
Bye and take good care.


- kris - 06-08-2004

Fake it until you make it. Think overwhelmingly what you would like to be. Our subconscious can not identify what is true or lie. Tell your mind true lie. Until you will not make your highest self what you gona be you can not make it. Soon after lie will become a real truth. The position you want will be yours.


- Azeem Shah Khan - 06-19-2004


is this group still active?


- kris - 07-08-2004

Greatest motivational hits.
We have much more control over our environment than we realize. We can begin programming our self consciously to be more and more focused and motivated. Get to know our control panel and learn how to push out our own buttons. The more we know about how we operate the easier it will be to motivate our self. Make a note for all those things which stimulate us. Collection of these notes will become our control panel.
Inspiration must not be incidental like we should not wait for those songs which up lift us instead make a list of those songs and make a CD. Put them into your car and listen them. In addition to songs, movies can be more effective. Use them again and again it is more effective.
Adjust your control panel and push your own button on right time, for example in an airplane cockpit in which you are taking flight if the head pilot asks his junior what all these buttons about, then you must actualize that the flight will not be smooth. We have same situation with us in our lives we even don’t know what things make us stimulus and inspired to get success in our lives.
Try to develop smart control panel where you can push your own button when needed to be get our own earned success.


- kris - 07-15-2004

Rhythm of success
Success is not like a straight line going upward without interruption. There is always be a fluctuation. This is natural like a dance we take two steps forward and one step backward. People discourage by backward step towards there success. This rhythm makes a person stronger and only the consistent and brave person can get along with it and achieve ultimate success.


- samyah - 07-15-2004

Asslam o alikum ,
i believe that in order to acheive ur goals u firstly need to have strong faith in allah n in ur own self too n then comes all the ingredients i.e constant effort, hard work n a bit of encouragement i believe motivation is also a big factor .
n definitly u dont need to be genius even if ur an avg. person u can make it if u have confidence in urself n in allah BUT then also u have to keep in mind an element of Luck so wish u all good luck .

- sumaaan - 07-16-2004

<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id=quote>quote<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
Rhythm of success
Success is not like a straight line going upward without interruption. There is always be a fluctuation. This is natural like a dance we take two steps forward and one step backward. People discourage by backward step towards there success. This rhythm makes a person stronger and only the consistent and brave person can get along with it and achieve ultimate success.

<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" size=2 id=quote>

Nice work Kris... Although we haven't had many replies on this thread, but it sure is motivational and makes a lot of sense at least to me.

Keep up the good work.

- kris - 07-16-2004

Draw up your own happiness.
“Love and truth / you can find / any place, anywhere, any time / but you can just say ‘so long’ / once confidence is gone / nothing
matters anymore.”
Most people today think others can give self-esteem on us. Such misguided thinking leads to phenomena such as classes without grades and work without standards for excellence.
We are not a fearful kid waiting for a mom to face a challenge laid in front of us in this competitive world.
It is fearful concept is someone says "I am well enough for every chanllenge no one is coming to help me out for any thing". However, it gives great motivational stunt to generate the reslut which we want.
We want love, care, and, help but we forget the main and important factor in our life i.e. confidence. It gives independence, self esteem, and success. Beleive or not...beleive it.


- kris - 07-20-2004

‘I m the problem’ attitude... Open up your mind
We are finger pointing nation. We never accept our own fault. We always say it is somebody else’s fault. We can not solve the problem unless we transfer it from outside to inside. If there is a problem related to ourselves we have to let it feel inside us. We have to say loud and clear that ‘I m the problem’. If you can do it you can easily find out the solution. We can not find out solution when we point out the finger on somebody else, for example if someone is saying ‘failing in exam is not my fault it is the institute who is not letting me to pass the exam’, this will never allow you to solve the problem, and this way of thinking will shut your creativity down.
Once you will discover that accepting responsibility for the problem will give you the new power for solving it, you will become free.


- kris - 08-01-2004

Improve your memory
We can do it thru
-Helpful mental exercises to boost brain power.
-Lifestyle change can help memory.
-Three things to serve reduce general forgetfulness. Will be elaborated
One of the best ways to keep your memory sharp—or to improve it if it’s starting to fail—is to practice a lot of mental exercises. Of course, your brain isn’t a muscle that needs to be physically strengthened. Instead, what the brain does best is communicate with its own cells, and the faster it can communicate—with healthier and more numerous connections between cells—the better your mind will work, and the more your memory will improve.
Connection is the key word here if you want to improve your memory. More connections among brain cells more mental capacity and processing you will develop. Apply that method in your life, while leisure or busy, which strengthen or increase connectivity in between or among brain cells. In this regard following can help you a lot.
Mental Exercises
Mental exercises force to think in unusual and creative way. For example
Serial Subtraction
Think of a number, for example, 628. Subtract 8 till you reach to zero. Do it mentally.
Try developing habit to spend time solving interesting puzzles.
Sentence sequencing
Think of a noun, for example, cat. Now add verb with it. The cat runs. The cat jumps. Keep going until you’ve exhausted your verb collection. Now add an adjective to each noun-verb combo. The black cat runs. The frighten cat jumps etc. Now add adverb. The frighten cat jumps high.
To be continuing...
Be in touch this is interesting topic, will change your life.


- kris - 08-04-2004

Enrich your life!
I am not a memory expert still some of my suggestions and reading may help you little bit more.
I was talking about puzzles and games in my last writing, indeed they are obvious choices for keeping memory intact and sharp. But we need to expose ourselves to new and interesting environments.
Research with animals has clearly shown that unusual and stimulating environments can stop the brain from shrinking with age and can actually improve brain-cell connections and boost memory skills. Rats who lived in cages with plenty of exciting toys and lots of stimulation had larger, healthier brain cells and larger outer-brain layers. Deprived rats living in barren cages with no toys had smaller brains.
So don’t be lazy! Move out and visit new places, do new things. Take up a sport or start a hobby. Visit museums or places of interest in your city/town you’ve never taken the time to investigate before.
Learn a foreign language. Take up chess.
If you stay active, interested in life, and engaged in the world, your memory doesn’t have to deteriorate as you age. Make sure your home environment is stimulating and enriched, with lots of colors, sounds, smells, and things to do. Anything that engages the senses will also improve your mind and strengthen your memory—so touch, feel, smell, and experience new things.
• Make sure you have music playing every day if you are not religious (NATT SHARIF). Any music is good, but research suggests that classical music is especially stimulating to the intellect.
• Add lots of books to the room—and read them, don’t just look at them.
• Try some challenging books. “Beach reads” are okay for fun, but choose a more difficult book sometimes that makes you stop and think about what you’re reading.
• Add a fish tank with lots of colorful fish and interesting tank toys.
• Paint the walls interesting, unusual colors, or add some wallpaper.
Select interesting art, rugs, and curtains. Use lots of different textures.
• If you have the space, put out a few birdhouses and feeders by a window and keep a pair of binoculars handy. Plant some brightly colored flowers outdoors, and hang a hummingbird feeder.
• Don’t forget the flowers indoors, too—the colors and smells will be an added sensory boost.
• Set out a jigsaw puzzle or chessboard and regularly engage visitors in a game.
• Plug in a computer and use it to surf the Internet or play a challenging game. Computer games can improve memory in such fun ways you’ll hardly notice the effort.
• Eat ethnic food you’ve never before sampled.
• Choose one new recipe a week to try out on your family.
Color, good smell, flower, and challenge will give you good memory.
