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After the recent unfortunate bomb blast in which one of the most senior able army doctor along with others lost life, the authorities as usual in minutes announced that security has been put on “red alert”. I am a senior citizen. I have served abroad for more than 20 years connected with country’s internal security there. As such and as a true Pakistani I had even living abroad kept myself updated with the happening in our beloved Pakistan. Years back in a high level routine meeting scheduled every fortnight to apprise, update and discuss concerned quarters all news, major incidents, occasions, articles, speeches from world over on the security top I had to face a very embarrassing situation. A point came that Pakistani authorities were to launch an operation against dacoits populated in the Sindh (Kutcha area). This was of interest to see how Pakistanis does this operation and learn from it. An officer looked towards me and enquired from me how it was that Police Chief in Sindh through a press conference told that the police had prepared a plan and this operation will be launched next month. His question was would these dacoits not run away with this advance open information. I had no answer but only an unconvincing one that through this dacoits will become in panic, which I knew well was not the case. Another participant smiled saying this is advance information to dacoits to take precaution. After each blast or on any lead about suspected blast security agencies are put on “Red Alert” but I have never known when these agencies later reverted back to “yellow alert” or “normal alert”. Or it is next morning after the “red alert” these agencies automatically become on “normal alert” to become once again on “red alert” next day or next week. This is wonderful security alterts.