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I know this topic has been discussed a lot before. But it was kinda outdated I think .So sorry for the inconvenience.

I have just attempted my final acca papers and currently awaiting result my which is due in Aug and m also working as a trainee in audit firm. I have some question regarding the Actuarial Sciences and hoping you guyz can help me out.

1) Is it logical that I pursue my further studies in Actuarial Sciences after completing my ACCA . ??
2) I want to know is this a Pro- Qualification like ACCA/CA/ICAEW or a degree like MBA/MSC
3) What is the time duration required to become an actuary?
4) Which institute/universities offer courses for actuarial science? I know KU f BSc in actuarial sciences. Can I join a masters program in KU because of my acca or will I have to start bachelors ?
5) What is preferred doing A.S form Pakistan or form abroad?
6) What is the course structure?
7) Aprox investment required?
7) Can we take professional exams US/UK (like that of ACCA) in Pakistan or not?

I know these are a lot of questions. Hope you can answer them .
Sorry to burden you guyz!!

Kind Regards