02-11-2007, 07:14 PM
<font face="Comic Sans MS"></font id="Comic Sans MS"><font size="5"></font id="size5"><font color="teal"></font id="teal">
salam everyone!
I am MARIA,new entry here(without entry test),doing MBA,spend most of my free time on net(mostly i m free_just kidding),come to know about this website 2 yrs back but registered now(how lazy i am!!!!)these forums are interesting,informative and inspirational(in what sense__experience speaks out)nothing else to say FILHAAL except that "DONT KEEP YOUR GR8 THOUGHTS ENCLOSED WITHIN YOUR SKULLS,INTRODUCE THEM TO PRACTICALITY"
salam everyone!
I am MARIA,new entry here(without entry test),doing MBA,spend most of my free time on net(mostly i m free_just kidding),come to know about this website 2 yrs back but registered now(how lazy i am!!!!)these forums are interesting,informative and inspirational(in what sense__experience speaks out)nothing else to say FILHAAL except that "DONT KEEP YOUR GR8 THOUGHTS ENCLOSED WITHIN YOUR SKULLS,INTRODUCE THEM TO PRACTICALITY"