
Change of Nomenclature of CPE and CPD Credit Hours

With a view to gradually start conforming to International Education Standard on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) IES 7, the Council of ICAP at its meeting on 31 July 2004 has approved the following changes in Directive 8.01 with immediate effect:

  • Whenever the term ‘Continuing Professional Education’ or its acronym ‘CPE’ occurs, it would be substituted by the words ‘Continuing Professional Development’ or its acronym ‘CPD’. Hence all official correspondence and activities in this regard at the Institute / Regional Committees / all other forums and levels should use the CPD terminology.

  • The requirement for number of credit hours to be fulfilled by both Practicing and Non-Practicing members shall be as follows:

    CPD year

    Hours to be completed

    July 2004 – June 2005


    July 2005 – June 2006


    July 2006 onwards

    40 in one year or 120 in every 3 year period.

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