
Procedure for imports clearance fine-tuned

ISLAMABAD (July 12 2004): To streamline imports clearance procedure, the Central Board of Revenue (CBR) has announced that importers will have to use separate copies of 'Goods Declaration (GD) form' for delivery of goods, refund/rebate and two other GD copies for clearing agent and State Bank of Pakistan (SBP).

The importers will follow the procedure for clearance of imported consignments from July 1, 2004.

The CBR has notified the decision through a Customs General Order issued here on Sunday. In this regard, Customs General Order 12 of 2002 has been amended for immediate compliance.

According to the procedure, 'Customs Copy' will be used for delivery of goods. 'Importer Copy' will be used by the importer for refund/rebate, registration of vehicles and for record purposes.

The 'Clearing Agency Copy' will be retained by the clearing agent for record and shall be produced to customs whenever required.

The 'Exchange Control Copy' will be used by the State Bank.

The first three copies of 'GD' shall be machine-numbered and bear examination report, the procedure specified.

The 'Transhipment Permit' shall consist of four copies, including 'import section copy', 'importer copy', 'bonded carrier copy' and 'dry port copy'.


— The Central Board of Revenue is pleased to order that the following amendment shall be made in the Customs General Order No 12 of 2002 dated 15.06.2002, namely:-

— In CGO 12, chapter III, in sub-para (2) of the Rule 4 of the aforesaid Customs General Order, shall be substituted with new sub para as under:

— “Goods Declaration (GD) of all types except Transhipment Permit (TP) already introduced, shall consist of four copies with effect from 1st July 2004”.

CUSTOMS COPY: It may be used for delivery of goods. After the delivery it should be submitted by the Gates to the Audit Section which should send its photocopy to CRA and the original to MCD after audit within seven days, as per present practice.

IMPORTER COPY: It may be used by the importer for refund, rebate, registration of vehicles and for record etc.

CLEARING AGENCY COPY: It shall be retained by the clearing agent for record purposes and shall be produced to Customs whenever required.

— Exchange Control

— Copy For the use of State Bank.

— The first three copies of GD shall be machine-numbered and bear examination report.

The Transhipment Permit shall consist of following four copies.

IMPORT SECTION COPY: It may be used for delivery of goods. After delivery it should be submitted by the Gates to the Import Section who may send it to MCD as per present practice.

IMPORTER COPY: To be retained by importer for record and production to customs authorities at the time of ex-bonding.

BONDED CARRIER COPY: To be retained by Bonded Carrier for record purposes and submission to customs whenever required.

DRY PORT COPY: To be sent to the destined dry ports.

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