
CBR outlines use of goods declaration copy

ISLAMABAD (August 10 2004): The Central Board of Revenue (CBR) has announced that goods declaration (GD) copy for importer/exporter could be used by exporters for claiming customs duty drawback and release of bank guarantee from July 1, 2004.

The importer's/exporter's copy of GD may be used by the importer for refund, rebate, registration of vehicles and for record etc whereas exporter could use this copy for claiming duty drawback, release of bank guarantee and for departmental record.

The CBR has amended customs general order (CGO) 5 of 2004 through a CGO 7 of 2004 issued here on Monday to streamline the import/export procedure.

According to the CGO, the customs copy may be used for delivery of goods. After the delivery it should be submitted to the audit section which should send its photocopy to CRA and the original to MCD after audit within seven days, as per present practice.

Goods Declaration filed for exports' purposes will be used for “Pass In”, “Allow Loading” and endorsement of M.R. After shipment, it will be submitted to Audit Section, which will send a photocopy to CRA and the original to MCD within 7 days.

FOLLOWING IS THE TEXT OF THE CUSTOMS GENERAL ORDER 7 OF 2004: The Central Board of Revenue is pleased to order that the following amendment shall be made in the Customs General order No. 05 of 2004 dated 3.7.2004, namely:

“In the aforesaid CGO, Serial No.1 and 2 will be substituted with the following:

CUSTOMS COPY: It may be used for delivery of goods. After the delivery it should be submitted by the Gates to the Audit Section, which should send its photocopy to CRA and the original to MCD after audit within seven days, as per present practice. Goods Declaration filed for exports' purposes will be used for “Pass In”, “Allow Loading” and endorsement of M.R. After shipment, it will be submitted to Audit Section, which will send a photocopy to CRA and the original to MCD within 7 days.

IMPORTER'S/EXPORTER'S COPY: It may be used by the importer for refund, rebate, registration of vehicles and for record etc and by the exporter for claiming customs duty drawback, release of bank guarantee and for record.

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