
Export miscalculation: revenue loss to be deducted from drawback claims

KARACHI (December 20 2004): The Collectorate of Customs (Export) has said the cases of export valuation with a loss of revenue up to Rs 5,000 would not be referred to the adjudication collectorates and rebate copy would be released against warning. This was stated by Collector of Customs (Export) Javed Qazi in a meeting with Karachi Customs Agents Group (KCAG) President Farrukh Saleem and its General Secretary Arif Siddiqui held to discuss the measures for smooth flow of exports.

It was decided that in such cases the duty drawback claim copy would be endorsed with the remarks that loss of revenue due to misdeclaration will be deducted from the duty drawback claims by the concerned rebate sector and the sales tax collectorate.

The meeting also decided that if any Goods Declaration (GD) was not traceable in Customs record the exporter's rebate copy may be allowed by the Customs against the undertaking of customs agents.

It was noted that the practice of detaining exporter's copy by the customs staff on the basis of misdeclaration of weight had already been done away with. The Collectorate assured the KCAG of clearing pendency of such cases in due time.

The customs side did not agree to the KCAG's suggestion that the practice of endorsing Undertaking Stamp should be done away with, saying the practice would remain intact till such time a better solution is evolved in consultation with the customs agents.

It was agreed that all shipments where no duty drawback and sales tax refund is involved would be allowed without weighment.

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