
Capital Development Authority refuses to issue no objection certificate

ISLAMABAD (December 11 2002) : Capital Development Authority (CDA) has refused the issuance of No Objection Certificate (NOC) for power connections to G-8 slum dwellers due to non-payment of Rs 1.5 million in lieu of electrification, it was reliably learnt on Tuesday.

The construction division of Islamabad Electric Supply Company (Iesco) had already completed the installation of the electric poles, cables and transformers in Katchi Abadi located in the heart of Sector G-8.

Even CDA had paid about Rs 1.5 million to Iesco on behalf of the dwellers to execute the up-gradation plan chalked out for five Katchi Abadies but they (G-8 dwellers) expressed reluctance to pay back the required amount to the authority, source added.

About 600-mud houses had been constructed from time to time in this slum dwelling since federal capital was established in 1960s.

The concerned CDA-high official, when contacted, said that the civic body paid the amount of Rs 1.5 million to Iesco just to extend relief to G-8 Katchi Abadi residents and expected regular instalment from them in this regard.

Sources also disclosed that Capital's civic body has sent a letter to Iesco that the authority will not pay liabilities on part of slum dwellers.

Official said that negotiations on the issue between the CDA and G-8 slum dwellers are underway and hopefully the matter will be amicably resolved.

The G-8 slum residents approached the newly elected MNA Mian Mohammad Aslam, who held a detailed meeting with Executive Engineer Iesco Division-I here on Tuesday to energise the installed transformers.

A key minister of former military government had approved Rs 1.5 million for G-8 Katchi Abadi electrification and they deposited just Rs 1 million with CDA, source stated, adding that the authority wrote a letter to Interior Minister to formally inaugurate the allotment of plot but no reply was received in this regard.

CDA made payment for bridge financing aimed at alleviating dwellers' sufferings.

Capital Development Authority (CDA) has planned to shift five Katchi Abadies (slums) dwellings from the Federal Capital to newly developed Urban Model Village, Ali Pure Farash within two years. Chairman ordered to devise a comprehensive mechanism for the up-gradation of five more Katchi Abadies in the Federal Capital.

The CDA will construct pavements/infrastructure and slums dwellers will be provided with all essential basic civic amenities including water, electricity and Sui gas on cheaper rates.

The federal government had directed the CDA to shift six Katchi Abadies out of eleven recognised slum dwellings to Ali Pur Farash under the Urban Model Shelter Village programme phase-wise within the set timeframe as these slums are hindering the Islamabad Master Plan and creating security problems for law enforcement agencies to guard foreign mission.

Concerned official disclosed that modern parks will be constructed and green areas to be developed in vacated land of five Katchi Abadies.

The shifting and resettlement of all these Katchi Abadies is being carried out under the plan chalked out by late Federal Minister Umer Asghar Khan. The plan was approved by Cabinet to grant them ownership right.

Source further maintained that up-gradation of F-6 and F-7 Katchi Abadies will be initiated soon.

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