
'Scoundrel' accountant jailed

A judge in U.K. has labelled an accountant a “scoundrel” and “thoroughly dishonest” as he jailed him for stealing more than £0.5m.

Edward Bowe was sentenced to four years in prison on Friday, after he stole the cash from the Merseyside car dealers he worked for.

Liverpool Crown Court was told Bowe, from Greater Manchester, used the money to fund a luxury lifestyle.

The defendant pleaded guilty to stealing £619,894 belonging to Leaders of Liverpool Ltd between December 1997 and August last year.

Judge Denis Clark told Bowe: “This offence is purely down to greed, self indulgence, selfishness and pampering yourself.

“You are a scoundrel, a thoroughly dishonest individual and only a custodial sentence is justified.

“I don't know where the money has gone but I don't accept it has been merely frittered away.”

Ian Harris, prosecuting, told the court Bowe had complete control over the company's accounts and its computerised accounting systems.

He said the thefts began after a chartered accountant, who had been supervising Bowe, left the company in 1997, leaving him sole control.

Confiscation hearing
Bowe, of Presbury Court, Longley Road, Worsley, Manchester, was arrested after a deterioration in his work led to him being sacked last August.

“I had the high life, I bought what I wanted when I wanted and just frittered through the money really, I spent it all,” he admitted in court.

Mr Robert Andrews, defending, said: “It became almost a compulsive form of behaviour which snowballed and he simply could not stop himself. ”

A confiscation hearing to investigate his assets is to be heard on 17 July.

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