
ACCA to Launch Initiative Aimed at Enhancing Competitiveness of SMEs

An important part of ACCA’s institutional work towards public interest is to contribute to the growth of SMEs. ACCA has come up with a SME policy “Putting Small Business First” which aims at enhancing the competitiveness and resilience of SMEs.

ACCA Pakistan will formally launch this policy at “SME Conference 2009” planned 12 March 2009 in Lahore. The Conference aims to provide a forum for exploring some of the key challenges faced by SMEs, such as dealing with taxation system and overcoming the threats posed by bribery and corruption.

Focusing on how the accountancy profession and other stakeholders can help SMEs build necessary skills to overcome these challenges, the conference promises to create networking links between SME owner managers, policy makers and professional accountants.

These discussions will be led by experts from private and public sector including Mr Shahid Rashid- CEO, SMEDA, Dr Shehla Javed-President, Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr M. Yawar Irfan-Chairman, Chief Minister’s Task Force for Industries Development,  Mr Hammad Siddique- Programme Manager, Centre for International Private Enterprises (CIPE), Mr Tariq Puri-Secretary, Ministry of Investment, Mr Syed Adil Gilani-Chairman, Transparency International Pakistan, Mr Saqib Mohyuddin-Chairman Skills Development Council, Mr Monis Rahman-CEO, Naseeb Networks ( and Mr Malik Mirza- SME and Micro Finance Consultant.

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