
ACCA Pakistan Holds New Member Ceremony

KARACHI (April 07, 2011) – ACCA Pakistan held its New Member Ceremony at the historic Mohatta Palace in Karachi to celebrate the achievement of new ACCA members who have attained the membership milestone during the period 2009-2010.

The ceremony commenced with welcome address, delivered by Mr Mubashir Dagia, Chairman ACCA Pakistan members' network panel who welcomed the new ACCA members to the fraternity of ACCA and motivated them to continue their training and development through CPD for successful career progression.

Mr Syed Amir Ali, Head of Investment Banking, Meezan Bank Ltd, in his keynote address, pointed out the benefits of professional training and development and congratulated the new members on their remarkable success. Mr Ali commended ACCA Pakistan on building strong linkages with employers across the country.

The ceremony was graced by the presence of Mr Hanif Jakhura, CEO, Central Depository Company as chief guest of the evening. Mr Jakhura presented awards to ACCA's long standing workplace mentors who have dedicatedly trained ACCA trainees for many years. These mentors included Mr Ahmed D Patel, Chairman Executive Board, Ernst & Young Ford Rhodes Sidat Hyder, Mr Aziz Hemani, GM Finance, PSO and Mr Ayaz Ahmad, CFO, HBL.

In his address Mr Jakhura highlighted the importance of professional Accountants who understand the heart of business activity. He added that, post financial downturn, role of accountants as business leaders has emerged strong. Mr Jakhura spoke highly of the values of integrity and accountability demonstrated by ACCA members in their professions.

Mr Arif Masud Mirza, head of ACCA Pakistan, the senior management team of ACCA Pakistan and other key employers were also present at the ceremony.

The ceremony concluded with a networking dinner.

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