
Shipping companies ask exporters to abide by US custom

KARACHI (January 22 2003) : Shipping companies have warned exporters to abide the Advance Manifest Rules (AMR) announced by the US customs for shipments as any wrong declaration of cargo would lead to the imposition of penalty to the tune of dollar 5000 from February 1, 2003.

It will increase to dollar 10,000 for any consequent wrong or incomplete declaration of goods.

A spokesman of Maersk Sealand said on Tuesday that the new Customs rules are already in place but without any penalty.

The details of cargo provided by the shipper (exporter) are presently faxed to Salalah where these details are checked before loading the goods onto the ship destined for the United States.

He said that any incomplete declaration of cargo would put the cargo on hold unless the correct details are sought from the exporter. The cargo would be loaded on to the next ship.

The concession for seeking details afresh from the exporter is only for the trial period but after February 1, 2002 not only the cargo would be returned at the cost of the shipper but penalty would also be imposed.

To avoid any mistakes in declaration of cargo, Maersk Sealand, has provided electronic shipping instructions to its clients which enables the shippers to provide cargo details through computer which can be corrected on line saving the shipper from any inconvenience now and from penalty after February 1.

The spokesman pointed out that the company has started issuing bill of lading to the exporters on filing details of the cargo.

The bill of lading, which is required by them for seeking duty drawback etc, is withdrawn when there is any objection on cargo at the transit port of Salalah.

The document was earlier issued on getting green signal from the transit port.

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