
Confiscated smuggled goods: Customs asked to impose redemption fine rules

ISLAMABAD (February 20 2003) : The Central Board of Revenue (CBR) has directed the Customs authorities to apply the laid down procedure for imposition of redemption fine on the confiscated smuggled goods, a Customs General Order (CGO) 1/2003 issued Wednesday said.

The Customs officials would now impose redemption fine specified in SRO 374 (I)/2002 instead of SRO 1374 (I)/98.

The CBR has amended the Customs General Order (CGO) 12/2002 through a CGO to replace SRO 1374 (I)/98 with the SRO 374 (I)/2002.

As per the SRO 374 (I)/2002, the CBR has notified different categories of fine on goods imported in the bales of second hand clothing imported in violation of provisions of Imports and Exports (Control) Act, 1950 (XXXIX of 1950); stock-lot or job goods imported in violation of provisions of Imports and Exports (Control) Act, 1950 (XXXIX of 1950); goods not covered under clause (b) of Rule 4 of Sub-Chapter 1 of Chapter II of the Customs Rules, 2001 brought by incoming passengers (accompanied or unaccompanied) in non-commercial quantities for actual use and not intended for sale in the market and old and used machinery parts or components imported by the industrialists, importers for their plants, if not importable in terms of relevant Import Trade Procedure and old and used spare parts and accessories, if imported along with the second hand plant and machinery used in the manufacture of goods and imported scrap items, which contain old and used or serviceable components such as auto parts and compressors, etc, if the same are allowed release after cutting, pressing, piercing, breaking or otherwise de-shaping to the satisfaction of the Customs authorities on specific request of the importers subject to the condition that expenses incurred on such processes are paid by the importer.

The text of the Customs General Order No 1/2003 issued Wednesday: “The Central Board of Revenue (CBR) is pleased to order that the following amendment shall be made in the Customs General Order No 12 of 2002 dated 15.06.2002, namely:

“In para 101 of the aforesaid Customs General Order, the words, figures and brackets “SRO 1374 (I)/98 dated 17.12.1998, will be substituted by the words, figures and brackets “SRO 374 (I)/2002 dated 15.06.2002”.

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