
Rebate on shampoo export allowed

ISLAMABAD (May 30 2003) : To facilitate the cosmetic industry, the government has allowed duty drawback facility on the export of medicated shampoos from May 28, 2003.

The extent of repayment of duty would be 2.10 percent of the fob value on the export of medicated shampoos while 11 types of raw materials are being used in the manufacture of this product.

The CBR has amended Schedule LXXI of standard SRO 415(I)/2001 through an SRO issued here on Thursday.

Sources said the authorities have given opportunity to the manufacturers-cum-exporters of shampoos to enhance exports.

The government has already given duty drawback on other cosmetics products as well.

At present, two-three local companies are engaged in the export of medicated shampoos, which could now avail rebate on these products.

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