
Machinery import: six industries exempted from paying sales tax

ISLAMABAD (June 10 2003) : To enhance value-added exports in agriculture and livestock sectors, the Central Board of Revenue (CBR) has exempted six industries including fisheries, dairy and rice husking units from payment of sales tax on the import/purchase of plant and machinery for use in these sectors.

Exemption would be available on plant and machinery falling under Chapter 84 and 85 of the First Schedule of the Custom Act, 1969 and exclusively used in industrial waste disposal, water treatment, desalination of water, fisheries, dairy industry, rice plant etc under SRO.505(I)/2003 of June 7, 2003.

The authorities have exempted from payment of sales tax plant and machinery, falling under chapter 84 or 85 of the first schedule to the Customs Act,1969, excluding such imported plants and machinery as are manufactured locally, purchased or imported for seafood industry (farming, catching, processing and preservation of fish, shrimp and other marine products); fruits, vegetables and flowers grading, processing, packing and preservation; treatment and disposal of toxic and hazardous industrial wastes, sewerage, effluent or solid waste management, water purification or desalination plant; dairy and dairy products; rice, grain and dried leguminous vegetables and sulphurous acid generators SAG-10 meant for de-alkalinisation of soil.

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