
Co-ordination bodies formed to resolve tax-related issues

ISLAMABAD (October 04 2003): On the directive of Ministry of Finance, the Central Board of Revenue (CBR) has constituted nine co-ordination committees comprising tax officials and chambers of commerce/trade bodies for resolving tax related matters of traders/business community.

The CBR on Friday directed all collectorates of sales tax to constitute co-ordination committees in consultation with the chambers of commerce and industry.

The committees would have the authority to mutually resolve disputed tax matters and would ensure presence of representative of traders at the time of physical verification of documents by the sales tax department.

This would not only remove apprehensions of the business community, but also effectively check the misuse of powers by the sales tax officers and auditors.

After formulation of these committees, tax officials and traders should hold regular meetings for resolving problems faced by the industrialists and businessmen.

Earlier, Riaz Ahmed Tata, President Federation of Pakistan Chambers and Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) informed Finance Ministry that CBR and FPCCI had agreed to set up co-ordination committees at the levels of sales tax collectors and member sales tax wherein the representatives of FPCCI and the trade bodies will be included to amicably resolve problems being faced by the businessmen and industrialists.

It was also agreed that before initiating any action, the members of the co-ordination committees would be taken into confidence so that smooth conduct of business could be ensured.

The FPCCI would invite a panel of two nominees from each of the chambers of commerce and industry and selected associations of trade and industry for this purpose.

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