
Dubai auditors representative committee makes key appointments

The 11-strong representative committee of the Professional Auditors Business Group, a Dubai-based business group formed with the legal backing of Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry in February, has held its first meeting at the Chamber.

Mr Ahmed Al Banna, Deputy Director General of DCCI, chaired the meeting.

The committee elected key posts to help administer the group's affairs, interact with DCCI and compile a business plan for the industry.

Ahmed Al Abdouli, Partner of public accountancy firm GAAC, was appointed Chairman; Abbas Ali Mirza, Partner of Deloitte & Touche, was elected Vice-Chairman; and Fiona Nicholas, Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers was made General Secretary.

The next general meeting of the Professional Auditors Business Group, which attracted more than 70 delegates of leading firms at its launch two months ago, is expected to take place in the next two to three months. Members of the group's representative committee will meet again at DCCI on April 13.

Committee General Secretary Fiona Nicholas of PricewaterhouseCoopers said: “Two provisional objectives were identified. The first is to establish a regulatory framework for the profession which doesn't exist right now in the UAE. The second is to work together to address a number of key issues faced by members.”

Ms Nicholas added: “We are all very positive about the committee as we think it is needed and the fact that we are under the umbrella of the Chamber is also encouraging. We hope this will give us a recognised voice to interact with the various ministries and government departments.”

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