
Survey: Your accountant is your best friend

Accountants are the first choice when it comes to entrepreneurs seeking advice, according to a new survey.

And it’s not just to talk finance. The survey, by the accountancy software company Sage, found that more than two thirds of business people speak to their accountants about general business issues, well ahead of banks, solicitors, the government or colleagues.

“This survey highlights what we already know, namely how central an accountants role is in helping businesses with the daily demands of running a company,” said Paul Hobart, managing director of Sage UK.

“There is no other advisor as well placed as an accountant to help employers with the many different facets of their business.”

A third of those asked said they would take a recommendation from their accountants about buying new technology, although more women (40 per cent) than men (28 per cent) were more likely to trust their accountant in this case. Only the opinions of friends and family are more trusted when it comes to IT.

Reliance on accountants is widespread across the UK, highest in Scotland (75 per cent) and lowest in Wales (57 per cent). Financial advice is the support most required by businesses (78 per cent), well ahead of technological or legal matters.

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