
  • Build Rapport Within Your Network

    Chances are you're constantly hearing about the importance of networking when you're looking for a job or planning a career…

  • Interpretation of accounts

    Interpreting financial statements usually includes comparison — that of one company with another or for the same company over a…

  • Monte Carlo – it's not just gambling

    Recent events have increased interest in the accuracy, reliability, and honesty of financial statements. This attention already has led to…

  • XBRL drives reporting revolution

    Extensible business reporting language (XBRL) is helping to revolutionise the way business results are communicated and boost the drive to…

  • Gearing

    Gearing, or leverage, describes the mix of long-term corporate funding provided internally (by shareholders) to that contributed externally (by lenders).…

  • Evaluating Whether to Move for a Job Opportunity

    In a competitive job market, immediately jumping at the next employment opportunity can be tempting, even if it requires relocation.…

  • How do internal auditors add value?

    Characteristics common to top-rated audit shops help to shed light on the nebulous concept of adding value. The definition of…

  • Building Your Communication Skills

    Accountants are taking an increasingly visible role within their organizations, working on cross-departmental projects from strategic planning to information technology…

  • Setting the Stage for a Successful Interview

    If you've been invited for a job interview, you've already impressed the prospective employer with the accomplishments and skills listed…

  • The seven deadly sins of strategy implementation

    CEO’s and senior managers are increasingly judged on the success of their companies’ business strategies. Yet, despite the existence of…

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